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January 23rd, 2025  
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Life Connection Show - Bible Story Radio
About the Life Connection Club

You may have read about several of the Life Connection Show cast members at the TV page. Below are a few more people among the host of great actors that participated in the show to make it what it is. Watch our animated Bible stories with these actor‘s voices and music videos here.

Marla Krohn is our show director. She plays the part of Gracie. She also wrote the dramatic re-telling of the Bible stories for the radio show. She is the mother of Jonathan Krohn, who is an actor and writer for the show. Marla has acted in and directed many theater productions during her career.

Marty Johnson has a consistent presence on the Life Connection Show. He plays the part of Charlie, who is also a steady character. Marty plays a number of other roles with the most notable being the Pharaoh, which is a lot of fun. Marty wrote the first three Paul episodes.

Debra Stipe is one of our professional actors and you can tell when you hear her. She plays the parts of the Professor and Boss. Her interaction with the villain counter parts like Iggy and The Magician is priceless. Listen and enjoy some laughs with Debra's great voices.

John Spencer joined the cast a few episodes into the series, and he brings a variety of voices that enhances the show. He often plays the villain counter part, like James The Ticket Master. He also plays Bible characters like Abraham, Moses, and others. Ivan and Usman are some of John's more unique voices.

  1. The Adventure Begins: Ultimate Friendship
    In each radio show, the Life Connection Team (Charlie, Gracie, Julie, Jesse, Nate, and Imani) "races against time" to discover one exciting Bible Treasure from each episode. The adventure begins with God's story of creation.

  2. Adam: Hiding From Love
    Adam and Eve lived in a perfect world, but they believed the serpent's lie that God didn't have their best interests at heart. They chose to depend on themselves instead of on God.

  3. Noah: Promise Made
    You will meet the professor and Boss and Iggy as they try to "thwart" the Life Connection Team's discoveries about how Noah had to trust God. Imagine building a boat when you had never seen rain!

  4. Abraham: Promise Kept
    See what trap Boss and Iggy set up for the Life Connection Team and learn how Abraham believed that NOTHING is too difficult for God! You'll want to see if the team gets out of the building OK.

  5. Abraham: All About Faith
    Try to figure out who the "mystery man" is. See what clues the gang discovers as they head up the mountain. Find out Abraham's answer when Isaac asks him about the lamb, the one to be sacrificed.

  6. Jacob: From Deceit to Brokenness
    Meet Big Boss and Ivan as they fill in for Boss and Iggy. See how the conflict between Nate and Imani is resolved and listen to see who wins the battle between Jacob and his older brother, Esau.

  7. Joseph: Bigger Than Our Troubles
    Meet the computer, Al. And in this episode you will see how God can take the bad things that happen to us and turn them into good. What Joseph's brothers meant for evil God meant for good.

  8. Joseph: Something Good
    Check out Boss and Iggy's exploits with their "camel" and see who falls in a pit. Joseph also landed in a pit, but he faithfully put his trust in God-even in the midst of his troubles.

  9. Moses: His Power, Not Mine.
    Listen to Iggy's unusual way of communicating with Boss. Moses had a hard time communicating too, and he gave God all kinds of excuses why he wasn't the man for the job God asked him to do.

  10. Moses: Rescued
    In this episode, Nate tries to get away from Boss just like the Israelites tried to get away from the Egyptian army. Find out how they all saw God's power in an amazing way.

  11. Moses: Dependent
    Meet Usman on the radio show and find out who complains about their lack of food. The Israelites grumbled about being hungry too, and accused God of forgetting about their need for food.

  12. Joshua: Courageous Trust
    Big Boss and Ivan are back again because Iggy and Agnes failed to stop the Life Connection Team from discovering the Bible Treasure. Follow the Team as they search for Al, the missing computer.

  13. Samson: It's Never Too Late
    Meet Boss' brother, Moss and also meet Samson, a stubborn warrior who didn't listen to wise counsel. Samson's life proves that it's never too late to turn back to God-no matter what we've done.

  14. Ruth: A New Life
    Can Marice the Magician work his magic and stop the Life Connection Team? God doesn't use magic, but He does keep His promises. Ruth trusted God, and He provided all that she needed in her new life.

  15. David: Conquering Our Giants
    Charlie was brave after his accident, and as a young boy David bravely fought Goliath. Earlier, God had protected David from a bear and a lion, so he trusted God to save him from Goliath too.

  16. David: Day of Discovery
    Check out Boss as she is up to her usual antics. David had the opportunity to pull some antics of his own on King Saul, but David resisted the temptation and left the situation in God's hands.

  17. Esther: Trusting God for the Moment at Hand
    Meet the new stranger that is chasing the Team. Esther was an orphan and a stranger in the land, but she risked her life to save her people. She was chosen to be Queen "for such a time as this."

  18. Job: Unanswered "Why’s"
    Listen in to hear what Gracie forgot in this episode. And you will also learn what Job remembered about trusting God-even when his "why" questions weren't answered.

  19. Daniel: Experiencing God in Hard Times
    Randall, the brother of James the Ticket Master, is back, and he's still obsessed with food. And speaking of food, the lions were hungry when Daniel landed in the their den! Did he make it?

  20. Jonah: No More Running
    Get to know Simon and find out about his whale watching tours. And you'll learn about Jonah's adventure in the deep sea too. Believe it or not-he ended up being swallowed by a big fish!

  21. John the Baptist: Preparing the Way
    Follow John the Baptist as�he�prepares the way for Jesus to begin�His ministry. John's message was for people�to repent of their sin. He�baptized so many people they called him John the Baptist.

  22. Mary: Mother of Jesus
    God sent the angel Gabriel to tell Mary that she would give birth to a Son named Jesus. Mary didn't understand how it all would work out, but she was willing to trust God with all of her questions.

  23. Jesus Christ: My Friend
    When Adam and Eve chose to depend upon themselves instead of trusting God, it caused a gap between all the people on earth and God. Listen to find out how Jesus bridged the gap between God and us.

  24. Peter: Peer Pressure
    All of us have to deal with peer pressure-even Jesus' disciples! Peter argued with Jesus that he would never deny Him, but listen to find out what happened when he faced some peer pressure.

  25. Peter: Learn from Failure
    See if Uncle Albert gets rescued. After Peter's denial, God gave him another chance to tell people that everyone who believes in Jesus will be saved/rescued because God doesn't show any partiality.

  26. Paul: Light From Heaven
    Meet Professor's intern, Gwendolyn as she joins the team on a most unusual journey. Saul had an unusual journey to Damascus too. In fact, he was never the same. Listen to hear what happened.

  27. Paul: Receiving the Light
    Once again the Life Connection Team goes into the lands of the Bible. See how Gwendolyn's experiment with the sunlight and sunflower plant works out.

  28. Paul: Reflecting the Light
    Find out what happened to the prisoners after a big earthquake hit the town. Did they all escape? What about the jailer that was in charge? Did he lose his job for letting the prisoners get away?

  29. Paul: Trusting the Light
    See how Gwendolyn reacts when Jesse has to go to the hospital, and hear about how Paul and his two friends reacted to being chased by the angry silversmith and all of the townspeople.

  30. Paul: Walking in the Light
    Paul lived through many adventures in his life. One time when he was about to be beaten by a commander, Paul asked a question that saved him. You'll have to listen to hear what his question was.

  31. Paul: Relying on the Light
    Gwendolyn and Jesse have an important talk that changes Gwendolyn's life. She realized that faith in Jesus was the only way to get to heaven. Listening to this episode could change your life too!

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