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September 9th, 2024  
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Episode 21: John the Baptist: Preparing the Way
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Do you know what it means to be humble? We don't hear that word used very much today. It might be easier to understand if we know that being proud or arrogant is the opposite of being humble.

Humble is how John the Baptist felt when Jesus asked John to baptize Him. John was honored that Jesus would ask him, but he also felt humbled because of Who Jesus was, the long awaited Messiah. Jesus was so important that John didn't feel he could even tie the string of Jesus' sandals. But Jesus was never proud.

Now, use your imagination, as we journey back through time to look at the Life Connection Story "John the Baptist."

Story John
(Story adapted from Matthew 3:1-17; Mark 1:1-12; Luke1:5-80, 3:1-22; John 1:14-42, 3:22-36)

My name is John the Baptist. I am excited to share with you how God worked in my life.

During the time Herod ruled Judea, there was a priest named Zacharias and his wife's name was Elizabeth. They truly did what God said was good. They really wanted to have a baby, but both of them were very old so they had given up hope.

One day when it was Zacharias' turn to go into the temple and burn incense, an angel named Gabriel came and stood beside Zacharias. The angel told him not to be afraid. Gabriel said their prayers had been heard by God, and Elizabeth would give birth to a son. They were to name the baby John. Zacharias questioned Gabriel about how this could be true, but the angel told Zacharias that this baby boy was God's gift to them. He would be used by God in a special way. Then Gabriel told him some other surprising news. He said that Zacharias would not be able to talk until the baby was born, but he didn't say why.

There were many people outside praying while Zacharias was in the temple, and they were wondering why he was in there so long. Zacharias finally came outside, but he couldn't speak-just as Gabriel said. Later, Elizabeth became pregnant-just as Gabriel said. Zacharias and Elizabeth were my parents.

During Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, God sent the same angel, Gabriel, to a virgin named Mary. He said that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a son, and they were to name him Jesus. He would be called the Son of God. Soon after, Mary went to visit Elizabeth because they were relatives. Mary was very young and Elizabeth was very old, but both of them were surprised to be pregnant. Mary stayed with Elizabeth and helped her for about three months and then returned home.

When I was born, everyone assumed I would be named Zacharias because the firstborn son usually was named after his father. But my mother said that I would be named John. My father agreed, and as soon as my name was finalized, Zacharias could talk again. He began to praise God, and he told the people that I would be called a prophet of God. I would prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.

When I grew up, I began preaching in the desert area of Judah. I told people to change their lives and repent of their sin. Some of the Jews asked me if I was the Christ, the Messiah. I told them I was not the Christ, but I was the one Isaiah the prophet was talking about when he said, "I will send my messenger ahead of you. He will prepare your way. This is the voice of a man who calls out in the desert: 'Prepare the way for the Lord.'"

When they repented, I baptized them with water as a symbol to show that their hearts and lives had changed. But I always told them that when Jesus came, He was greater than I. In fact, He was so much greater, I didn't feel good enough to untie the strings of His sandals because Jesus was the Son of God.

Later, when I was baptizing some people in the Jordan River, I saw Jesus coming. I told them to look and see the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This is the One I was talking about. Then Jesus asked me to baptize Him. I was honored, but felt humble because of Who Jesus was, the Son of God. But I baptized Him, and when Jesus came up out of the water, God's Spirit came down from heaven and landed on Him like a dove. And a voice spoke from heaven said, "This is my Son and I love Him. I am very pleased with Him."


Let's thank God for showing us how to be humble through John the Baptist and Jesus. Pray these words of praise to Him:

God, thank You that we can depend upon You to enable us do anything we want to do. The Bible says we can do ALL things through Christ. Allow us to recognize when we act proud and let us remember to repent-turn the other direction-and recognize You as the Source of our success, not taking credit for ourselves.

noah Use Matthew 3:1-17; Mark 1:1-12; Luke1:5-80, 3:1-22; John 1:14-42, 3:22-36 and the Life Connection Story. They will help you complete your Life Connection Response.



1. Zacharias and Elizabeth really wanted to have a baby, but both of them were very old.

2. Zacharias questioned Gabriel about how this could be true, but the angel told Zacharias that this baby boy was God's ___________.
test for them
gift to them

3. Zacharias began to praise God, and he told the people that John the Baptist would be called a ____________.
puppet of God

4. John the Baptist would prepare the people for the coming of _________.
new years
the Lord

5. Jesus was so much greater John the Baptist didn't feel good enough to untie the strings of His sandals because Jesus was the Son of God.

6. Read this verse: "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).

Now write a letter to God about a time you felt the "bigness" of God. Did you feel small in comparison? Did you feel humble and have the desire to "decrease?"

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