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Have you ever tried to run from God because you had your own idea of the way you should go? How did things work out for you?
Jonah tried to run from God too. He had his own idea of the way he should go, and he took a ship to another city. Jonah tried to try to get away from God, but he couldn't.
Now, use your imagination, as we journey back through time to look at the Life Adventure Story "Jonah."
(Story adapted from the book of Jonah.)
My name is Jonah. I am excited to share with you how God worked in my life.
God said to go to the city of Nineveh and preach to them, for He saw their evil. Instead, I tried to run away from God. I found a ship that was going a different way, so I went on board. God sent a great wind, and the ship was in danger of breaking apart. The sailors began to throw cargo into the sea in order to make the ship lighter, so it wouldn't sink. They were afraid, so they cried out to their own god (which was not the real God). During this storm, I was asleep, but the captain woke me up and told me to call on my God to keep us from dying. The sailors asked me all kinds of questions about why this trouble had come upon them. I told them I was a Hebrew who worshiped God, the One who made the sea and the land, but that I was running away from Him.
The wind and the waves were getting stronger, so I told them to throw me into the sea, and then it would calm down. Instead, the sailors tried to row the ship back to the land. The wind and the waves were so strong they couldn't make it back to land. Have you ever reacted in your own strength against what God was doing? I told the sailors about my God, the One true God, and they called out to Him and believed in Him. Isn't it amazing how God uses difficult circumstances for His good?
Finally, they threw me into the sea, and it became perfectly calm. Then, God caused a great fish to swallow me. I was in the stomach of the fish for three days and three nights. I could barely get a breath of air. I thought I was locked in this prison forever, but God saved me from death. God spoke to the fish, and the fish vomited me out of its stomach onto the dry land.
God spoke to me again about going to Nineveh. This time I went. I preached to the people saying that after forty days the city would be destroyed. To my surprise, the people believed in God.
I was unhappy, however, that God did not destroy the city. I complained to Him because this is what I knew would happen. That's why I ran away. I knew He is a merciful and loving God, and He doesn't get angry quickly. He would rather forgive than harm. I sat down outside of the city, and God made a plant grow up quickly over me. It provided shade for me. The next day, however, God sent a worm to attack the plant, and the plant died. Then, God sent a hot east wind, and I became weak from the heat. I was angry that the plant died. Then God showed me how wrong my thinking was. I showed more concern for a silly plant than for the people of Nineveh-more than one hundred and twenty thousand people lived in Nineveh. They needed to hear about God's love for them.
Looking back, I can see how personal God is. God wants to show me how much He loves me and cares for me in the middle of all the good, bad, and ugly things that happen to me. Despite my failure, God never gave up on me. In fact, He was always a step ahead of me! He wanted me to see His deep love for me, the sailors, and for all of the people of Nineveh. Being in the stomach of the fish for three days is a picture of God's Promised One, who would die for our sins, be buried for three days, and then rise from the dead to give new life to all who trust in Him. God truly cares for each person in all of the nations.
Let's thank God for all He has done and for His great love for us. Pray these words of praise to Him:
God, thank You that I don't have to run away from You. I don't have to react in my own strength against what You are doing. It's amazing how You use difficult circumstances for Your good. You are a merciful and loving God. You are a personal God, and You want to show me how much You love me and care for me in the middle of all the good, bad, and ugly things that happen to me. Despite my failure, You never give up on me. In fact, You are always a step ahead of me! You want me to see Your deep love for me. You truly care for each person in all of the nations.
Use the book of Jonah and the Life Connection Story. They will help you complete your Life Connection Response.