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September 9th, 2024  
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Episode 6: Jacob: From Deceit to Brokenness
About the Life Connection Club
the life connection club kids Have you ever acted deceptively or selfishly? Have you ever grabbed for something, thinking that this behavior would work to your advantage, only to discover that more harm was caused? How did you react to this discovery?

Jacob acted deceptively and selfishly. He was always looking out for himself, trying to get everything to work to his advantage. But he later discovered that greater harm was caused because of his behavior.

Now, use your imagination, as we journey back through time to look at the Life Connection Story "Jacob."

Story Jacob
(Story adapted from Genesis 25:19-34, 27:1-33:20, 35:1-29.)

My name is Jacob. I am excited to share with you how God worked in my life.

When I was born, I came out of my mother's womb grabbing my brother Esau's heel. My brother grew up to become a skilled hunter, but I liked to stay at home better than hunting. I was cooking stew one day when Esau came in from hunting. He asked me for some stew, and I told him that first he would have to sell me his rights as the firstborn son. Esau was so hungry he agreed, so I gave him some stew.

Our father, Isaac, was blind and didn't know how much longer he had to live. He wanted to give Esau, the firstborn, a special blessing before he died, so he asked Esau to kill an animal for us to eat as part of the ceremony After Esau left, my mother, Rebekah, quickly prepared two goats just as my father liked them. She told me to take the food into him because she wanted me to get the blessing instead of Esau. She even put animal skins on my arms because Esau was hairy. I took the food to my father, acting like I was Esau. He asked how I killed the animal so quickly. He also was suspicious because he recognized my voice, but because I felt hairy like Esau, my father ate, drank, and blessed me. Just after I left, Esau came in with the animal he had killed. Esau was so angy, he thought about killing me, so my father sent me away to where my mother's brother lived. His name was Laban. On the way, I fell asleep. I dreamed that there was a ladder from the earth that reached into heaven. I saw the angels of God going up and coming down the ladder, and the Lord was standing above the ladder. He gave me the same promise that He gave to Abraham and to my father, Isaac. When I awoke, I was afraid, so I made a promise to God because I wanted Him to protect and provide for me.

Later, I met Rachel, Uncle Laban's youngest daughter, and I fell in love with her. I told Uncle Laban that I would work seven years for him if I could marry Rachel. He agreed, but after the seven years, Uncle Laban tricked me into marrying his older daughter, Leah. He said I could marry Rachel after seven more years of work. I loved her enough to work seven more years, and then I married Rachel. There was much jealousy between the sisters because I loved Rachel more than Leah.

On the way back to my homeland, I sent a message to Esau that I wanted to see him. The messenger returned saying that Esau was coming to meet me with 400 men. Instead of trusting God, I was afraid that Esau would kill us. I prepared a gift of several herds of animals for Esau, hoping that he would accept me and forgive me.

That night a Man came and wrestled with me until morning. I was so determined not to lose that He put my hip out of joint. When the Man told me to let go of Him, I said only if He blessed me. The Man changed my name from Jacob to Israel. I had seen God "face to face," but my life was spared.

When Esau and I met, I bowed down in submission to him, and he ran to meet me. It was a good reunion, and then we went our separate ways. As you can see, I thought I could deceive people and fix my problems, but more trouble always came. I constantly tried to manipulate circumstances, people, and even God. In spite of this, God still worked in my life, and He used these difficult circumstances to carry on His family line to the Promised One. God demonstrates His love and grace as He works through our lives-even when we rebel-we can't change His plans.

Let's thank God for all He has done and for His great love for us. Pray these words of praise to Him:

God, thank You that I can trust You. I don't have to be afraid or try to manipulate You. When I try to fix my problems by deceiving people, more trouble comes. But even if I rebel, You still work in my life. You use difficult circumstances to carry on Your family line to the Promised One. Thank You that You demonstrate Your love and grace in my life.

Genesis 25:19-34, 27:1-33:20, 35:1-29 and the Life Connection Story. They will help you complete your Life Connection Response.


Let's thank God for all He has done and for His great love for us. Pray these words of praise to Him:

God, thank You that You care for me when I am hurt. You show kindness to me. You can give me success in everything I do. I want to depend upon You.

noah Use Genesis 37; 39-41 and the Life Connection Story. They will help you complete your Life Connection Response.



1. When Jacob was born, he came out of my mother's womb grabbing his brother Esau's heel.

2. Esau asked Jacob for some __________, and Jacob told him that first he would have to sell him his rights as the firstborn son.
animal skins
help in hunting

3. Rebekah told Jacob to take the food into Isaac because she wanted Jacob to get the blessing instead of Esau.

4. Uncle Laban agreed, but after the seven weeks he tricked Jacob into marrying his older daughter, Leah.

5. Instead of trusting God, Jacob was __________ that Esau would kill them.

6. Jacob thought he could deceive people and fix his problems, but more trouble always came.

7. Read this verse: "I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God" (Genesis 33:10).

Now write a letter to God about a time you deceived (tricked) someone or about a time when you felt deceived by someone else. Think about what you learned from that experience. Did you see God's grace at work in the situation?

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