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What if someone gave you a wonderful gift, promised you more gifts, and then asked you to give them up?
Abraham lived many years ago. He and his wife were unable to have children, but God gave them a son in their old age. God also promised to give Abraham several other wonderful things. Then God asked Abraham to give them all up.
Now, use your imagination, as we journey back through time to look at the Life Connection Story "Abraham Part 2."
(Story adapted from Genesis 22:1-18)
My name is Abraham. I am excited to share with you how God worked in my life.
My wife, Sarah, was unable to have children. I was seventy-five years old when God promised to give me a son. In fact, He said that my descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky. He promised to make a great nation out of my family. Amazing! God also said that people in the future would know about me. He said I would be a blessing to all people on the earth. All this was hard for me to imagine, but I believed God. God accepted me, and I trusted in Him.
During the next several years, God reminded me of His promise. He did not want me to lose hope. But after twenty-five years, my wife and I still had no children! I laughed and said to myself, "Could I have a child when I'm one hundred years old and Sarah is ninety years old?" Sarah heard that she would have a son in her old age, and she laughed, too. Normally, it is impossible for old women to have babies. Yet, God assured me that nothing was too hard for Him.
God kept His promise, and our son Isaac was born. The name "Isaac" means "laughter." Sarah laughed with joy that God gave us a son in our old age. She said that everyone who heard about this would laugh with her. I had to wait a long time for Isaac, but God never forgot His promise.
One day, several years later, God said, "Take Isaac to the mountain and sacrifice him." I loved Isaac more than my own life, but God wanted me to kill him and burn him on an altar. God had promised that my descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky. He had promised to make me a blessing to all people on the earth. How could God keep His promises if my son died? I didn't understand, but I depended upon God.
Early the next morning, I saddled my donkey. Two of my servants, my son Isaac, and I set out for the mountain. Along the way, I stopped to chop some wood. Then, on the third day, we approached the place of sacrifice. I told my servants to wait with the donkey while Isaac and I went up to worship. Isaac didn't know that God wanted me to sacrifice him. He carried the wood on his back, and I carried the fire and the knife.
As we walked, Isaac said, "Father, we have fire and wood, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?"
I answered, "God will provide the lamb, my son."
Finally, we came to the place of sacrifice. I built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Then I tied up my son Isaac and laid him on the wood. I took the knife and prepared to kill him. Yet Isaac didn't say anything or try to run away. Isaac knew he could trust me because I depended upon God.
Just then, the angel of the Lord called to me from heaven, "Abraham!"
"Here I am," I said.
"Do not harm the boy. I know now that you depend upon Me. You have not kept back your only son from Me."
A male sheep was caught in the bushes. I killed it and sacrificed it on the altar. My son was saved because God provided a lamb. I named that place "God provides."
Then the angel of the Lord called to me a second time. He said, "You have not kept back your only son from Me. I promise by My name to give you many descendants. They will be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Through your family, all people on earth will be blessed."
Let's thank God for all He has done and for His great love for us. Pray these words of praise to Him:
God, thank You for keeping Your promises. You always provide for Your people.
Use Genesis 22:1-18 and the Life Connection Story. They will help you complete your Life Connection Response.